Geri and Freki Stainless Steel Necklace | Viking Warriors

Geri and Freki Stainless Steel Necklace

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Our Geri and Freki Stainless Steel Necklace is made of 316L Stainless Steel and has two detailed engraved Wolf heads biting a ring from which you hang  your favorite pendants. This wolf chain is a perfect Gift for every Norse Mythology fan and comes with two FREE gifts:

1) Black Jewelry Bag   2) Wooden Box 

Vikings wore Pendants with animals to protect them in battle. It was said that each different animal pendant contained the animal's strength which the Viking warrior could use in battle by wearing the pendant. This pendant gives you the strength of Odin's Wolves, Geri and Freki. 

When Humans were created Odin told the race of men to look to the wolves. They were told to learn from them and remember. A pack runs together and cares for their own. All offspring are cared for by every member and the pack survives together. There are love and courage that accompanies the heart of a warrior. There are stories that Odin fathered children that were half wolf. These children became known as the Wulfsungs. These creatures may be part of the reason that many warriors took on the name and symbol of the wolf. It is said that these Wolsung were mighty warriors.

Geri and Freki Stainless Steel Necklace for Men. Choosing a wolf as your favorite animal, spirit animal, or guide is not a bad choice at all. These were the very first creatures that Odin created and will give you their strength and their powerful survival instincts . 

  • Material: Stainless Steel
  • Width: 6mm
  • Chain Length: 50cm / 70cm
  • Color: Silver
  • Chain Type: Byzantine Chain
  • 316L Stainless Steel Never fade, No allergies

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Charles Berry
perfect necklace

very well crafted, quality material, heavy, just right for me

Michael Abraham

This Geri, Freki necklace - strong style, worthy accessory for champions.

highly recommend

Great product! durable, made of high-quality materials