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Cnut the Great, Harald Bluetooth, Lagertha, Norse mythology, Ragnar Lothbrok, Shield-Maiden warriors, Shield-Maidens, Unknown facts about Vikings, viking, Viking Age, Viking conquests, Viking culture, Viking democracy, Viking history, Viking hygiene, viking jewelry, Viking Kings, Viking legends, Viking myths, Viking raids, Viking religion, Viking society, Viking trade routes, viking warriors, vikings -

The Vikings are some of the most iconic figures in history. These seafaring warriors from Scandinavia sailed the seas over a thousand years ago, conquering and trading with countries far and wide. Known for their fearless nature and their mastery of the seas, the Vikings were a force to be reckoned with. However, there are still many mysteries and unknown facts about these fascinating people. In this article, we will explore some of the lesser-known details about Vikings, Viking Kings, and Shield-Maidens. Viking Facts: The Vikings didn't actually wear horned helmets: Contrary to popular belief, Vikings didn't actually wear horned...

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battle, Berserk, berserker, berserker warrior, longship, norse, norse pagan, Norse Vikings, norse warrior, old norse, viking, Viking Age, viking axe, Viking chieftain, Viking history, Viking raids, viking ship, Viking society, viking sword, viking warriors, vikings -

The Berserkers were a group of elite Viking warriors who were known for their ferocity in battle. They were said to work themselves into a frenzy before battle and were virtually unstoppable on the battlefield. The name "Berserker" comes from the Old Norse "ber serkr," which means "bear shirt," as they were said to wear the skins of bears and wolves into battle.   Berserkers were considered the highest rank of warrior in Viking society, and were favored by the chieftains for their bravery and fighting skills. They were often given the best weapons and armor, and were expected to...

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Viking, Viking Age, Viking Axe, Viking bow and arrow, Viking history, viking spear, Viking sword, Viking throwing axe, Viking weapons, Vikings -

The Vikings were fierce warriors known for their skill in battle and their fearsome weapons.Their weapons were designed to be effective in close combat, and many of them were used for multiple purposes. In this post, we will take a look at some of the weapons that the Vikings used, and explain how they were used in combat.         BATTLE AXE One of the most famous weapons used by the Vikings was the battle axe. This weapon was incredibly versatile, and could be used for hacking, slashing, and even throwing. The axe head was typically made of...

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aesir, asatru, asgard, Freya, Frigg, god, goddess, LLoki, Njord, nordic gods, nordic mythology, norse, norse gods, norse mythology, norse pagan, Norse Vikings, Odin, old norse, Old Norse Faith, paganism, scandinavia, Scandinavian, scandinavian mythology, thor, tree of life, tyr, viking, Viking faith, vikings -

  The Origin of Norse Mythology and the Pantheon of Gods and Goddesses   Norse mythology is a complex and fascinating world, the origin of which is not well understood. It is believed that Norse mythology originated from the ancient beliefs of people who lived in Scandinavia thousands of years ago. The pantheon of Norse gods and goddesses consists of twelve deities divided into two groups, the Aesir and the Vanir. The Aesir are considered to be more warlike while the Vanir are associated with fertility and earth.   Lets start with the most well known Gods and Goddesses of...

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